Wednesday, November 21, 2012


There are no pictures today because blogger has told me I have run out of space for pictures.  Now, I think I have to go back in time and start deleting old posts. I will get this done sometime around 2015. What a bummer.

We are beginning Thanksgiving crazy around here. Buck had a "Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" party at school yesterday. The kids watched the movie and then had all of the treats that Snoopy made instead of a regular Thanksgiving dinner: ice cream sundae, popcorn, pretzels, and toast. The kids loved it.

Today is Thunder's preschool feast: Turkey sandwiches and potato chips. I'm in charge of this one (not the menu) but there are so many keener (read: eager breaver in Canada) parents that there is very little for me to do - Yeah!!

The kids are out 1/2 day today for the holiday. No one is coming to visit and we aren't going anywhere. I've decided that today we're going to clean as though we were having the pickiest visitors ever. Maybe I'll delete some old posts too ;)

Monday, November 19, 2012

You - belong in a zoo . . .

Buck's class went on a field trip to a small local zoo the other day.  (His teacher is the young, long-haired woman on the left). 
 There was a nice presentation of birds, mammals and reptiles. We were able to "pet" everything.
 Now, a small example of what 1st grade boys do on a field trip:


 The next day, H-P had to go to the doctor because we thought he broke his toe. He dropped a stool onto his foot while trying to climb where he shouldn't :)

 His toe wasn't broken but it took me 3 hours and 4 x-rays to find out. At least I got some cute pics!
"Bye Bye!"